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Rug Weaving: How Long Does It Take To Weave A Rug?

Before you begin weaving your own Oriental rug, consider this. Rug weaving is an art. A skilled weaver in India can tie about 6,000 knots per day. Thus the time for one person to knot a 9′ x 12′ rug in several common qualities works out like this: (Note that usually more than one person works at a time on rugs from about 4′ x 6′ and larger. To get the actual weaving time for a carpet, you’d need to divide the “Time required” shown here by the number of weavers working simultaneously on the rug).  Quality Knots/sq.in. Knots/sq.ft. Days/sq.ft. Knots in a 9′ x 12′ Carpet Time required to knot a...

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Most Rug And Carpet Dirt Is Tracked In From Outside

Here are a few tips to help keep that carpet dirt outside and off your carpet and rugs: ADD A WELCOME MAT The larger the mat the better. Something nice and thick in front of the door. If that doesn’t work, you might try a mat that says BUZZ OFF! TRY A ‘NO SHOES’ POLICY It can be tough to enforce, but once family members get used to slipping off their shoes at the door, it can make a huge difference with carpet dirt. USE JUST ONE DOOR Especially during bad weather or dusty days, you only have one area to keep clean. No matter what you do, you’ll still need to vacuum regularly. Have your...

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Rugs and Carpet Provide a Number of Great Benefits for Homes

Adds Beauty and Style You can choose from many thousands of rugs and carpet styles and colors. That means your ultimate choice will reflect how you want to personalize your living space. Rugs and carpet can be a neutral foundation, or they can be a focal point with vibrant colors and stronger bolder patterns and textures. ​”Studies have shown that people with asthma and allergy problems have seen symptoms improve with rugs and carpet.” Improves Indoor Air Quality New carpet is the lowest VOC-emitting flooring choice available. Rugs and carpet actually act as passive air filters,...

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How Clean Are Your Rugs and Carpet? | Heirloom Oriental Rug Cleaning Daytona Beach FL

Rugs and carpet, when properly cleaned and maintained, act as in-home air filters. Heirloom Oriental Rug Cleaning’s cleaning services in Daytona Beach, FL ensure your rugs and carpet are helping create a clean and healthy environment for you and your family. However, if your rugs and carpet are NOT properly cleaned and maintained, this is what could be lurking right beneath you and your families noses:  

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Six Helpful Tips To Make Spring Cleaning A Breeze | Professional Rug Cleaning Can Remove Allergens

Spring is almost here, which means it’s time to give your house a good scrubbing. Not sure where to start? Here are six tips and tricks to help make spring cleaning a breeze. Keep a daily task sheet. Because the seasons change regularly, your house cleaning will also change. Create and stick with a daily cleaning schedule, so you don’t get overwhelmed when it comes time to deep clean your house. Maintain a clean bathroom and kitchen. These areas should be a top priority because, typically, this is where people spend most of their time. This will also allow you to focus on other areas of the...

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