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"It's Like Treating Your Rugs to a Day at the Spa"

Call Now For Expert Area Rug Cleaning! 386-530-4621

December is upon us and it seems to be the busiest month of the year. And cleaning your home, just takes up too much of that precious time! Here are six tips to get your home sparkling and jolly:

Beautiful christmas girl finishing cleaning chores

1) Make every move count. That means work around the room once. Going back and forth from one room to another is really what takes up the most time.

2) Work from top to bottom. Always. Period. Don’t argue. This is key to not spread dirt and dust where you have already cleaned.

3) If it isn’t dirty don’t clean it. For example, vertical surfaces are almost never as dirty as horizontal surfaces. Skip them this time and only touch each surface once. Do it right the first time!

4) If what you’re doing isn’t working, then shift to a heavier-duty cleaner or tool.

5) Pay attention. Almost everything else will fall into place if you do. In Latin: Age quod agis – “Do what you are doing.”

6) If there’s more than one of you, work as a team. If your helper gets done ten minutes faster, the team gets done ten minutes faster. And that is a wonderful thing!

So now that you have cleaned your entire home and are having a cup of hot cocoa, it’s time to wrap presents, right? We know that not everyone actually has the time to clean their home during the holidays and that’s why we are there to help! Call Heirloom Oriental Rug Cleaning – Daytona and schedule your next appointment. (386) 530-4621

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